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Father's right if the children are not registered in Japan
abduction in secret
Pls help need advice!!
How to divorce when both not registered as Japanese Nationals???
age of majority
What about dual citizenship?
JAPAN - UK divorce query
What can my Japanese ex do to stop me from moving out of Japan?
uk citizens divorce in japan
Custody Transfer - Possible?
Kyogi Rikon
Lawyers List
Will a JN Court Refuse Jurisdiction?
Foreign mother with custody?
Custody Award - Acceptions?
Divorce Papers
Legal aid required in Chiba/Tokyo area
Having Canadian Court orders Recognized in Japan
Legal prosecutions AFTER divorce
!4 Years Old & Pornography
Advice needed on divorce settlement in Japan
The last straw with divorce in Japan... ?
Mediation in Japan - how seen from the outside?
divorce coming I need advice
Enforcement Laws.
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Japanese Child Custody Laws and the Case for Change
The Legal Reality

FRIJ recommends you also visit CRN Japan, who are fighting international abduction to Japan and working to assure children in Japan of meaningful contact with both parents regardless of marital status