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The admin will keep you up-to-date with any new articles on the internet regarding custody/divorce issues in Japan. Feel free to contribute!
Japan to Join Hague Convention in May 2011
Will Japan Join the International Convention Against Child Abduction at last?
Hi I am Daveyone
Father's arrest shows Japan's preference to mothers
The Japan Children's Rights Network new web address - http://www.crnjapan.net
BBC Video - Child access protest in Japan
Good News - Japan to sign Hague.
Divorced Dad Weekly
Divorced Dad Minute
Protest at Abduction: The Megumi Yokota Story in Portland OR 2/3/07 and 2/4/07
Son murdered by jobless Japanese mother
Violent Women on the Increase in Japan
Allowances for single parents to be axed
The case of Molly Campbell
HOLLYWOOD PROTEST - Friday Aug. 18th 2006
Dad in vigil for stolen sons
Monthly child-rearing costs average 16.1% of living expenses
Joint custody Awards Are Correlated With Lower Divorce
Across U.S., Non-Custodial Parents Sue
Japanese Family Law - or The Lack Thereof!
Judge favours father over mother in custody dispute
Dads on the Air
Fathers4Justice: We have to let him know
How about foreign couples in Japan?
Unstable wife's contemptuous letter revealed
Children need fathers - simple
A father at the end of his rope...
Boy spots his kidnap photo on net
Treaty eyed for child support in intl divorces - Opinion Peace
Google search for Chiba Family Court reveals the truth
Japanese estranged fathers speak out on the net!
Divorced dads demanding right to see kids
Hiragana Times article about child abduction
Child Abduction - A Report
Filipino Children Reunited With Their Japanese Fathers
Japan Today discussion
Stress, Old Notions Lead to Child Maltreatment

FRIJ recommends you also visit CRN Japan, who are fighting international abduction to Japan and working to assure children in Japan of meaningful contact with both parents regardless of marital status