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Home >  > JAPAN - UK divorce query
I have just been through a divorce here in Japan.
Divorce was done through saiban not "kyogi".
Anyway,I married in England and divorced in Japan.
As far as I am aware the saiban divorce is recognized in the UK.
However it seems that there is nowhere in the UK to register a divorce and so it would seem that as far as all records in the UK are concerned,
I am still married.This is not a desirable state of affairs and neither the British Consulate nor various lawyers in the UK and Japan have been able to give me any advice/answers.
Basically, I want to have my divorce registered in some way in the UK.
Hope this makes sense,and that someone can shed some light on this for me.
Best regards..MF

Edited 1/25/2007 9:49:03 AM
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FRIJ recommends you also visit CRN Japan, who are fighting international abduction to Japan and working to assure children in Japan of meaningful contact with both parents regardless of marital status