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I just wanted to make a statement to the world that I want to be with my daughters and it will be how I dream. I have done my research on child custody for fathers in Japan and I'm pretty sure that no father has been successful in gaining sole custody of their children following a marriage break up.
Well, I'm going to be the first. And when I am, I will make my story known, so that father's like me who want to be with their children more than anything in the world and believe with all their heart that they are the better parent and can provide a better upbringing in every part of their childrens' lives, can make it a reality and start to change the deeply ingrained beliefs in this society that how things are right now are correct. I don't believe it and I am going to change things.
I will leave you with a plug of a book I am reading right now called "The Attractor factor" by Joe Vitale. I highly recommend it!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for the energy I receive from you.
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FRIJ recommends you also visit CRN Japan, who are fighting international abduction to Japan and working to assure children in Japan of meaningful contact with both parents regardless of marital status