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Site Administrator. Have you considered setting up "group" on facebook? This would be an excellent tool for getting our issue "out there" and educating other people on Japan's cruel and backwards policy of encouraging child abduction. Posted By:
Administrator (72 posts)
3/12/2009 2:54:28 AM
re: FACEBOOK   profile
Good idea jabriaw - will look into this. I'm also looking into re-promoting this site with new features and getting a Twitter account following people in the same situation / publishing Twitter updates here. Basically making this site much more interactive with updates from people "on the ground" if they are going through a divorce / in Japan / have news updates.
jabriaw (9 posts)
4/25/2009 11:51:13 AM
re: FACEBOOK   profile
Hi there...I really think getting something going in an interactive web-based format is truly the way to go. I think facebook could be the way.....please consider starting it up....
jabriaw (9 posts)
5/13/2012 7:20:41 AM
re: FACEBOOK   profile
It's been several years now, and I still don't see a Facebook page for FRIJ. Please do this. It will absolutely broaden awareness of this problem. As it is now, Father's Rights in Japan remains a virtually unknown issue.
Administrator (72 posts)
5/23/2012 4:12:44 PM
re: FACEBOOK   profile
If anyone wants to do this under the FRIJ name for Facebook / Twitter, just go ahead.

FRIJ recommends you also visit crn japan, who are fighting international abduction to Japan and working to assure children in Japan of meaningful contact with both parents regardless of marital status